Sunday, August 3, 2014

All Call!

I have this great friend named Bethany. She has this way of getting a big group of women's attention by loudly proclaiming..."Hey Laaayydaays!" We all turn because if Bethany is shouting at us, we're pretty sure something amazing will follow.

Consider this my version of HEY LADIES!

We only have 8 spots left for vendors at the marketplace! Isn't that awesome?! We're adding four more spots this year to make it an even 20. But that means at this point, we have 12 confirmed vendors!

And it is sure shaping up to be an amazing group of people! We'll start spotlighting our vendors within the next month or so, but I wanted to go ahead and give you a sneak peak....drumroll please.....

We have BBQ&Bowties returning this year...our manly, mans booth
Noonday Collection
Made On Acorn Hill
Pour Me Some Juice
The Restored Attic
Clutch 1:10
Inkwell's Press
High Cotton and Company
Indigenous Outreach International
Statement Stash
Garner Blue
Fig Paper Co

.....I can't even begin to tell you the amount of talent represented on that list!

And just as a reminder....the purpose of the marketplace is to bring together a collection of vendors who make handmade, repurposed, or upcycled wares. A New Thing marketplace provides an opportunity to purchase with purpose, to buy unique handcrafted items while directing your money and hearts towards a greater good. The vision was to create a space for people to share stories, stories of redemption....of making old things new. Because everyone has a story.

At the marketplace, we want the shopper to put on the scarf you purchase and think about the God-revealed method of weaving the threads together. We want you to smell the sweet aroma of handmade soap you purchase and think of the momma's who made it while their little ones played at their feet. We want you to enjoy a cup of fresh juice and think about our friend who had an idea to help bring her child home from Korea and then help others bring their children home....all while being passionate about wholesome nutrition. We want you to sip coffee while you shop that was harvested in Ethiopia that helps to fund indigenous pastors and their families. You see, everyone has a story. When you, our shoppers, purchase at the marketplace and our vendors sale their wares, we all get to take part in these stories. God knits us together in such a beautiful way. And the ultimate story, the story of an ever-faithful, ever-loving God is passed down, shared, seen through eyes and hands that work to do what they were created for.

We just can't wait!